Hi, I'm Mujtaba Siddiqui! I am a hard-working, motivated and ambitious team player with interests in machine learning, data science, Python, GIS, remote sensing, web development, and programming. I am currently a third-year student in the Honours Geomatics program at the University of Waterloo. I would love to apply my skills to projects that can impact the real-world, to improve development and climate change problems. For a full list of my skills check out my resume.
Working with Manulife from May to August in 2020 was a great experience. It introduced me to working with big data technologies such as Apache Spark, HIVE, Hadoop, Nifi and many more. It was also my first full remote work experience allowing me to develop and adapt my communication and teamwork skills to cope with this new working style and better prepare myself for whatever the future may hold.
I worked as a data analystat the Municipality of York Region from September to December in 2019. Working at a top 3 GIS department in North America was a great learning experience. I further developed my GIS skills but also heavily improved my skill with Python. Having the ability to perform analytics in Python with data science principles and machine learning algorithms was an incredible learning experience.
Having worked at Best Buy from 2016-2019 I was given multiple leadership oppurtunities over my time there. I was given the oppurtunity to train an onbaord upwards of 5 employees as I consitently exceeded sales targets and had the experience and adaptabnility to work in 4 different departments.
SpotUp is a web app that brings advanced analytics and spatial analysis to the any NBA fan. Spatial analysis is a new and expanding field in the NBA and this tool begins to bring those analytics to anyone with more customizability than ever. This analysis is visualized with various shot charts that can be made for teams or players from nearly any year. Allowing fans the ability to compare their favourite teams or players, and coaches the ability to better understand offensive and defensive strategies.
This project was a winner at uwEnergyHacks 2019 created by my team and I in under 24 hours. Solar energy has lost credibility as an economically beneficial energy since the removal of provincial incentives to switch. Imperium aims to solve this issue using spatial analysis to develop an economically beneficial model that allows us to connect clients with investors to make the switch possible. To implement this project, I lead the web development for the imperium website as well as using ArcGIS and Python to perform spatial analysis on electricity usage and satellite data.
This project was created at StarterHacks 2020 created by my team and I in under 24 hours. Using computer vision and speech analysis lisa acts as an assistant for caregivers of the elderly, terminally ill, or otherwise disabled. Lisa tracks the patients movements and voice and alerts the caregiver based on a activites they have labelled as dangerous for the patient to perform independantly. This provides a caregiver the peace of mind to be able step away for a second knowing they will be alerted if needed.
This project utilizes a recurrent neural network Long Short Term Memory to perform time series forecasting on stock price data. It was built using Python with Tensorflow, Scikit-Learn, Pandas, and Numpy and allows for the user to input a stock name to fetch data for and run the nerual network on.
Working with ESRI's ArcGIS suite I have developed a strong understanding of advanced geospatial analysis techniques. Working with ArcGIS Online allowed me to become comfortable with the online data-flows and creating dashboards. I also developed a strong understanding of databases working with QGIS and PostgresSQL to manage and create spatially enabled databases.
Photography is more of a hobby or passion of mine. I enjoy travelling and photography is my favourite way to document and remember those journeys. I have taken pictures for a few years now, focusing on landscape and architectural photography. All the images on this site are pictures I have taken, for more check out my Instagram.